Rabu, 17 November 2010

Happy Idul Adha!

Hey! What's up? I'm in my room with my cousins watching movie and playing laptop. So I thought I'll make a post what I did this morning about Idul Adha in Indonesia. Well, Actually in my house though, but I know some of my friends what they did today on Idul Adha.

So today I woke up at around 8 AM. I didn't wake up by myself, actually my cousin, Valdi woke me up. And I was so sleepy. Because I slept at 1 AM that night. After I wakes I went down stairs and I saw all my family are sitting and watching TV on the living room. It was a lot of people and I happy because I love the like together of the family and that's really makes me happy. And then I had breakfast, I ate "Opor" it's like um chicken on a delicious kinda soup but I don't know what is it exactly. And then after that I checked on twitter and Indonesians make #Prayforkambing and #prayforsapi because it's Qurban.

Then, around 30 mins I went out because we're going to see the cows to be dead for Qurban. On the first cow I didn't cry, well at least not. But the second I did cry because the cow wasn't dead when the people holded him while it neck has cut. But not all of it.

So that's the story until I finished I helped my mom and others to give the meats to the poor people and the neighbors. And then now I am

That's it! Gonna go off byebye! see U on the next Post

Tisha Velita Mamuaya

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