Jumat, 22 Oktober 2010

Chords Ondel - Ondel, Kords Gitar Ondel - Ondel versi depannya

Hey, so I just want to share with all of U guys how to play or the chords of "Ondel-Ondel" by Benyamin S but remember I just know the chords the first version! So don't be mad if it does not full.
So technically the chords are only D-A-D7-G. And I hope it wont get wrong because I have asked my teacher and friends and they said it is right. 

D                                       A
Nyok kite nonton ondel-ondel, nyok!
 A                                     D
nyok kite ngarak ondel-ondel
 D7 or D(same)          G
Ondel-ondel ade anaknye
D                                A
anaknye nandak gel igelan
D                                         A
Mak Bapak ondel-ondel ngibing
A                                 D
ngarak penganten disunatin
D7 or D (same)                  G
Nyang nonton rame ke girangan
 A                           D
ikut ngarak iring iringan

Yap, that's the chords. I hope U guys don't mad because I don't write it full. Bcause I dont know the next part either. I'm sorry about that. But hope you all will enjoy it and happy bcause U know it from me :D

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Tisha V. M

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