Minggu, 21 Oktober 2012

full of surprises!

well. yelloww! this week has been the best week in October :) lots of surprises, thats why. so here we gooo (ga diceritain berdasarkan tanggal juga ya...gak afal x_x)

first of all. We'll talk about Taylor Swift. Well, tomorrow, October 22nd to be exact, she'll be launching her fourth amazing album (that i dont have it right now but next week i will or the day after tomorrow..) called RED !! and this week she's released her song "State Of Grace" it's very catchy and awesome song, and the song that she released before this was "Begin Again" but i forgot whether it's this week or last week (at least i mentioned it, right?) And she also released lots of new RED Merchandises! Here's the screen shot that I took, but it didnt show the rest of the merch so you have to see them by yourself, just click here!
When I opened them, i feel like i need to save up lots of money this year until December. Very tempting and they're just so adorable and cool stuffs! I do wish i'd buy them just by closing my eyes and they'd show up in my room. I think i'll totally react like Boo if that happens while i was sitting in my bed.

Oh! And i did buy something from Taylor's store, I bought the bonus package one because only four items thats available in the International Store, and i was thankful because at first when i got the email about the packages it's not available to ship to Indonesia (but i haven't tried the amazon's payment so i'm not sure if it actually could but i didn't try it so yeahh). And when i checked the online store again it has this green notice that said "WORLDWIDE SHIPPING NOW AVAILABLE...." just like in the picture.. So i asked my dad if i'd buy it and he agreed so i did! I was told the package/item has been shipped, I knew it from 'Official Taylor Swift Store International' that mailed me this Friday 19th October. I hope it's not going anywhere tho lol. Okay, I guess that's the surprises that relate to Taylor Swift *wink* Now the second one (I think it's gonna be a long post)
First of all, I need you to all know that i'm a fangirl of Twilight, Taylor Swift,etc but they're like on top of the list! Especially RobSten (Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart).
i think this reaction is the same as a fangirl when they found news about their star(s)

So, you know this week they're in LA and on October 14th and 15th papz took pictures of them together! But they released it on 15th I think (i forgot) and they're standing outside a bar i think, and on 15th they're in public on daylight. So, I mean like, it's been months since we saw the together and since the..awful moments happened. I don't know if i'd post it, but here's the one picture I love the most (it's on October 14th). Click here to see the October 14th pictures and here to see the 15th (it's from robstendreams.com)
aww they looks so sweet<3 #robstenforever
totally the right GIF to put in my reaction
They looked so sweet together and they made me so excited to see the premieres, red carpets, interviews together! And then, on Friday another new pictures came out! I was literally jumping and shaking when i found out. It happened when the school bell rang I checked RobstenDreams.com right? Then, their new post was the new pictures of Robsten on 17th! my phone was on a bad signal so i'd opened one picture and the picture was them kissing! Like 30 secs i looked at the picture, my friend Meithy (she's not in the same class) texted me and sent me a picture that was framed by PopSugar that has 3 different pictures together!

i might passed out that time...
They looked so happy and Rob was like bringing Kristen towel and a cup of coffee, they were laughing and there was Bear too and two other dogs if im not wrong. And bear with one of the dogs did something..yeah... Oh, and there were lots of speculations about PR actually into this, but actually Rob dont have a publicist.. And you can see they're so happy around each other and even their dogs didnt tell any weirdness around it! But i felt kinda bad for them too because papz could actually interrupt their privacy from K's new house, which they shouldnt be doing it cause they'd sue them all. Overall, I'm so happy that they're together and looks so happy. Just get married already wont ya!
Yeahh i've been in my best mood that day and I met my Junior high school friends too! We hang out at the school, they're Nadiza, Fisha, Astari, Miranda, Tania, Fira, Siwi! And some of the boys were there too. And went straight to Astari's house at 630pm and just hang out then i went home after an hour there.
So it's been an amazing week, and I watched Taken 2 yesterday with kak Dessi, bang Aga and Sst at Blitzmegaplex in Grand Indonesia. here's the poster of the movie...

I like it! Maggie Grace looks amazing in this movie and i love her act (I recognize her when I watched this because she played Irina in Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1 and Part 2). And the role of her mother, I thought she was Liberty Ross, but she's not.. She actually is Famke Janssen, she's beautiful too. And I really love it because they're kinda this cool and fun family. And then before we went to the theatre, i bought some snacks and i actually have checked on the website about Finding Nemo 3D Glasses. They'll give it free if you bought a drink with popcorn. so i bought two and i got these awesome glasses!

Yeahh that's pretty much it! I think i'll send this picture to ellen :)
Okay! That's all for this week. I'll catch you up soon okay! Love xx
Tisha VM

FYI: PopSugar deleted the pictures from their web. I don't know why, but when i checked RobstenDreams's post they said that they delete them (the pictures) :(

Senin, 24 September 2012

Movies Twime!

hello! been a while.. so i decided to back on!
Weekend kemaren gue habisin jalan-jalan sama keluarga, terus sempet berhenti ke salah satu mall di daerah jakarta selatan. dan akhirnya gue beli *kalo gasalah* 14 dvd.. yeah... lots of them, but awesome! right?

ada banyaaak yaa, bakalan ngehabisin filmnya pas waktu luang sebelum tidur.. Nah, pas weekend hari minggu kemaren gue udah nonton satu film dan itu bagus. Genre-nya sih romance gitu, dan sweet bagus banget deh buat yang suka sama romance and comedy movies. Judulnya "Serendipity"

filmnya udah agak lama, lupa tahun berapa.. cari google lah ya
yang diatas itu poster dari filmnya, yang main Kate Beckinsale sama John Cusack. Dua-duanya bagus banget actingnya di film ini, dan lucu juga. liat aja di poster-nya taglinenya "Destiny with a sense of humor". and it's really is a funny and romantic movie <3

ini salah satu scene yang gue suka pas mereka baru ketemu :)

Okay! Lanjut.. Pas hari Jumat malem gue nonton sm kakak sepupu gue yang judulnya "Will"

liat quote di gambarnya ya...
Nah, film ini bagus menurut gue. Gak ada unsur romancenya sih tapi ada family and friendship. really nice and not cheesy. Dan, kalo lo fans Liverpool pasti udah tau dari line di gambarnya ya.

Dua film tadi yang baru gue tonton akhir-akhir ini, dan nanti gue rekomendasiin lagi kalo udah nonton sisanya yang belom gue tonton haah. 
Itu aja deh buat sekarang, rambut masih basah abis mandi x_x hmph.

See ya! :)

PS. IM OBSESSED WITH "Fast Car" by Michael Collings. He's amazing<3 beautiful voice!

Kamis, 21 Juni 2012

sands in a bottle

hi! been a while, it feels so weird to be writing this again.. the reason probably because im back on tumblr like i used too and i felt like i should check the blog too. so yeah.
new Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2 trailer is up now, looks pretty awesome and i cant wait to see the movie! which is coming on November 16, super excited!

weird. i cant put two GIFs from the trailer but it didnt work out, so i just let it be. but then somehow it just shows up! so weird. (that's how i feel, just like Emma)

my sleeping and eating habits are all ruined by this free time i have until a few weeks more. i only eat 2 times today, the problem is i dont really want to get out of the bed and im too lazy to do everything. so i basically have bunch and supper(cooler way to say it). which is i think bad for me, but thank god im feeling alright..
movies and tv shows are my only friends in my room, oh! and also my guitars are my friends in my rooms too. they're pretty awesomely wicked and fun! yeah, im getting a little weird in here.

so i guess that's all i wanna talk about? yeah pretty much(honestly there are tons in my minds right now but i wanna chillax in my bed because im getting tired sitting in this chair for hours now).
see ya!