Selasa, 27 Desember 2011

It's Holiday!



So... I think I need a partner to become just like that GIF... lol. but nah I'm good... *forever alone*

How's everybody doing? Jalan-jalan gaa? Enak sekali ya pada jalan ke Bandung, Jogja dan lain-lain :(

Saya.... Masih belum pasti, I wish.. pergi aja. Kemana kek asal jangan disini-sini aja. Lagi pengen ke tempat yang panas sunny sunny gimana gitu. Mau berenang dan diving... And then record lots of videos. But still. Haven't come up another new idea. And song. I think I should make another video before the new year or on the new year eve. Looks pretty good to me huh? :p

Oh! I downloaded and still downloading songs and videos. Found lots of 2000's songs that really good, so I decided to download them.

Pretty awesome huh;p Plus. I'm downloading foster the people's videos :)

Alright, I guess that's all for today! Bye all. see you on the next post :) Hope it'll be the new video

Tisha V.M

Sabtu, 24 Desember 2011

It's christmas eve and Sherlock Holmes!


Jadi gini, tadi abis jalan sama sodara-sodara dan kita nonton film. Kita jalan ke sency, dan kita nonton Sherlock Holmes: A Game Of Shadows (maksudnya sih Sherlock Holmes yang ke 2). Cool, and its very hard to solve the case from the second movie. Film ini nemenin gue di christmas eve, which is tomorrow is Christmas! Besok pasti bakalan pergi-pergi ke rumah rumah sodara-sodara deh, akhirnya ketemu juga :)
Oiya, Sherlock Holmes! Bagi yang belum tau, ini gue kasih poster dan beberapa foto dari scenes di dalam filmnya...

Bagian Menegangkan
Bagian yang lucu, Robert Downey Jr. nyamar jadi cewek wkwk

Tuh foto-fotonya (source: google lah). Untuk sinopsis dari filmnya ini dia

Dalang kriminal baru telah tiba -Professor Moriarty (Jared Harris) - tidak hanya  memiliki intelektual yang sama dengan Sherlock Holmes (Robert Downey Jr), namun  kapasitasnya kejahatan dan tidak memiliki hati nurani, dapat memberinya keuntungan lebih dari detektif terkenal tersebut

Kematian putra mahkota Austria awalnya dianggap sebagai bunuh diri. Namun Holmes menduga bahwa Pangeran telah menjadi korban pembunuhan - sebuah pembunuhan yang merupakan satu bagian kecil dari teka-teki yang dirancang oleh Professor Moriarty

Gabungan antara pekerjaan dan kesenangan, Holmes melacak semua petunjuk menuju ke klub pria, dimana ia dan kakaknya, Mycroft Holmes (Stephen Fry) merayakan malam bujang bagi Dr. Watson (Jude Law). Disana Holmes bertemu Sim (Noomi Rapace), seorang peramal Gypsy ya
ng melihat lebih dari yang ia katakan dan tanpa ia sadari telah menjadi target pembunuh Pangeran yang berikutnya. Source

*gue ga baca sinopsis nya sih, cuma copas doang wkwk*
Pokoknya wajib nonton untuk film ini. Next is Mission Impossible and then Alvin & The Chipmunk! Heard those movies awesomes~

Time to goooo. laper bens nih.
@tishavm - instagram


Rabu, 14 Desember 2011

Happy Birthday Taylor Alison Swift. My video project.


I work on this video for about a day, but less that 24 hours. I edited the picture, videos, hand writing and songs. I really had to make the mash-up song from Taylor's so yeah. And i think its pretty good for a beginner. So I need you all to check it out and let me know what you think and please like it/thumb up!

That's all I wanna say, bye! See you on the next project :)
Tisha VM

Selasa, 15 November 2011

#KATYINJKT Ticket prices released yesterday! Woop woop

Whoooo's excited for #KatyInJKT? Well, I AM!

Jadi, kemaren promotor-promotor Katy perry (@IsmayaLive, @FMLive_Prod and @SoundRhythm) umumin harga tiket California Dreams Tour 2012 in Jakarta, Indonesia!
Pas lihat...... MAHAAAL. 

Mungkin harganya emang sepadan kali ya dari manajement Katy nya sendiri. Tapi dimurahin sedikit bisa kali om-om promotor! ;;)

Buat yang mau lihat info-info selanjutnya bisa langsung di click aja --> KATYINJKT
"FULL SITE LAUNCHING SOON" guys! Dan tiket katanya penjualannya di minggu ke 4 bulan November ini, soooo.. siapin uangnya ya, minjem orang tua atau sisa tabungan juga bisa kaan:)

Okay, that's all! Silahkan di click aja itu tulisan "KatyInJKT" yang warna biru buat lihat info selanjutnya dan juga harga tiketnya dan posisi tempat duduk atau festival!

Tisha VM

Rabu, 09 November 2011

It's All About Tonight!

On Monday, I uploaded the videooo yeay!

Akhirnya selesai juga edit nya. Ada video pas lagi di sekolah, ada foto2 sama my gurls hahaha. Itu sebenernya random doang asal ada di lapetope hehe.

Ini dia videonyaa

Yeay hahaha, thumbs up for me! Check out from my youtube account. Like and be a friend and subscribe!
Thank You!! :)

*Can't wait for new projects/videos comin up. but still havent got the new idea for new videos ;p

Minggu, 06 November 2011

My Project is still not done yet.

I'm doing kinda project, well, a music video though
Tapi masih belum selesai. Dan belum di edit, baru aja di copy dari kamera. Jadi tunggu aja ya, bentar lagi selesai pasti. Mungkin di uploadnya besok pas ulang tahun my lovely Mom! :*({}) Love you! Jadi nge post pada saat hari yang spesial aja hehe. Walaupun emang lagunya kurang nyambung sama mama ataupun tentang orang tua, tapi yah kita liat aja besok gimana videonya. Semoga bagus ya hehe. Cume sebentar sih, kira-kira videonya 1:15 menit.

Dan nge shootingnya itu lama banget, kira-kira kalo digabungin bisa 3 jam kali ya. Yang nge bantuin itu Rinda, Fira, dan sebagian kak Dino. Dia sebenernya cuma megangin buku biar gak kesialauan sih. Dan pas shooting kita kecapekan, pas buka pintu kamar serasa disurga haha dingin banget.

Oiya, Mohon maaf lahir dan batin ya, Selamat Hari Raya Idul Adha!
Tadi pagi, sapi putih yang dari kemaren ada didepan rumah udah dikurbankan. Semoga dia diatas bahagia ya... Amiin

Oke, mau ngedit dan kayaknya bakalan pergi ke PHD buat beli Pizza deh Yummm! :9 gak sabar, yang Cheesy7 enak banget pasti.


*P.S. "Rumah Inel" diganti jadi Kelas Inel, karena suasananyakan di sekolah jadi kita ganti aja. Dan ini bukan film parodi ;p

Senin, 31 Oktober 2011


Udah lama banget gak nge blog. Yang pasti sekarang lagi tiba-tiba mau nulis sesuatu aja...
Tadi ada sedikit shooting disekolah dan dirumah, film yang akan tayang didekat rumah anda berjudul "Rumah Inel". Dulu sempet syuting bagian bikin trailernya gitu, terus tiba-tiba pengen ngelanjutin ke filmnya. Jadi yah, tunggu aja dehh. Pasti bakalan seru wkwkwk.
Anyways. Dirumah juga syuting sih tadi. kebetulan hujan, terus gatau kenapa mau di record aja. Gatau deh background musiknya apa nanti, paling editnya jadi music video doang hehe. Udah skipping juga *berharap tinggi ya Allah, Amin* dan naik turun tangga, dan belum minum air sama sekali... :(
Abis itu foto ga jelas pake format GIF di user background photo booth, tapi pas difoto tetep aja gak gerak-_- ini dia:

I had a great time with Ariel! 

He screamed in front of my ears, had to cover up my ears ;p 

 Oh my god, she's so cute! *I don't know her character name*

Singing with them were fun! (From left, Me!, Ms. Puff, Spongebob, Mr. Awkward Fishy, and Patrick!)

It was fun hanging with them in like I dont know minutes lol.
Itu aja ya, nanti masih mau nge edit dan lain-lain. Tunggu saja, semoga gak ngaret lusa atau sesudah lusa!

Tisha VM

Sabtu, 03 September 2011

Its been a long time.

It's been a long time since I came around, been a long time but I'm back in town. This time I'm not leaving without you...

Well, actually it was like telling that Ive not been blog-ing and posting also. so i kinda think it almost fits. alright, I dont know what Im talking about. Because it's so late its like 12:52 in here while I'm typing. So yeah.

What should I say? Maybeee, first of all, Minal Aidin Wal Faidzin. It means I'm sorry for all my mistakes that I have said or did. And Happy Eid Mubarak 1432 H. I am so sorry I am late for like 4 days. Should have make the post on the first September. But I forgot and just remember about it now. Alright, alright.
My cousins are in here and my cousin's gf is  here too. she has been here for like 2 days but like 5 or 6 days ago she has been here and have a sleepover too. She's really nice, sometimes can be well... Nice?
and yeah.
Right next to you (now playing on MTV cause Im wathin)
My days from the first September has been fun and bored too. We went to my families houses around Jakarta, that's on the day that Eid Mubarak in Indonesia. On the second, another family we visited too, but its outside Jakarta, and has a really great views! So cool, the house next to paddy field. Its really green and wide. So I did took much pictures.

Here's my Instagram: tishavm
You can check it and follow it ASAP!
Thank you very much.

Next days just going out from here with my family, mall and restaurant. But I had a And I just want to like get out from this city like beach or Bali or Lombok. I wish, sooner.

I'm out now. Gonna go to sleep now. B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B BYE.

Minggu, 19 Juni 2011

"Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F) - Katy Perry" Official Music Video is out KatyCats!

YEAHHH! You heard the title! I am so excited about this, I'm kinda buffering right now but have not watched all of them, but down this post I'll tell you about the Music Video of "Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F) - Katy Perry". I am totally pretty sure it ruled! Just like the song  :) So happy. Cannot wait to watch it, but still buffering and still like 10 seconds, so disappoint about the connection.
And under the Official Music Video on YouTube, there's the description about it. And the background picture from the KatyPerryVevo there's @KathyBethTerry 's picture. Alright I'm gonna tell you about her later. But here's the description:
You're invited to the party of the year! Find out what happened to Kathy Beth Terry in the official music video for Katy Perry's "Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.)" featuring Rebecca Black, Darren Criss, Kevin McHale, Hanson, Kenny G, Debbie Gibson and Corey Feldman!
Get to know Kathy Beth Terry on Twitter and Facebook even more at:
Buy "Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.)" from Katy Perry's album 'Teenage Dream' on iTunes here:

There you go... And you can click the link to get know about Kathy Beth Terry. She's such a wonderful girl. Well, on her twitter bio its written she's 13 and she's 8th grade. She's the same age like mine. So kinda cool. She's using braces and glasses. If u see her as a nerd I look her as a beautiful girl :) Some people says it's actually Katy Perry, some just say that it's not Katy Perry, its another girl. But I cannot make sure who is she. but I'm sure she's fabulous :D and FYI, she loves playing sudoku.
Here's her picture (@kathybethterry)
Next to her left you can see some books of sudoku!

Alright people! Kathy Beth Terry is totally Katy Perry! From the end of the video of "Last Friday Night" (LFN) there are some cast from the real name to the character name, even though which Rebecca Black did not change her name from her character on the music video.
So if you have watched the music video... 
Tell me about it, just post comment(s) from this post or even from my tumblr or twitter @tishavelita
Feel free to ask or anything, even telling your story, I'll try to keep it private if you want me to :)

Some pictures from "Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F) - Katy Perry." Official Music Video
And by the way I have downloaded the 720p video :) thanks to

  Alright, the last picture kinda disturbing but it is part from the music video.
The rest of it...
See it for yourself KatyCats! This music video is really cool concept and they have 2 #GleeGuys-- goodlooking guys in it!
Which are Kevin McHale and Darren Criss!
That's all I want to say and post for today! Keep reading my post. And I just want to say I'm sorry if I do not post like everyday cause, I can't always open on my blog because of some problems. But I might online on twitter almost everyday.But I wanna say sorry too if I replied you like an hour or more.

Bye! Goodnight all Indonesian Blogger(s) and around the world too.
See you on the next post.


  Here's Katy Perry - Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F) Music Video

Senin, 16 Mei 2011


Hey blogs! I wanna post this little thing only to talk about my Skype. So I want you guys to invite or add me on Skype, so maybe we'd talk, call or video chat. That'd be really fun! I can't wait to see it.

My skype username is: tishavelita
add me please so we'd talk :)

if you don't know what skype is, here's the Skype official website but if you want from google, you could seach it alright, and you can read it from wikipedia too. I mean a lot of infos about skype you'd search it and it is totally easy.

Here's the picture from google about Skype.

That's all I've got for today all. goodnight and have a nice dream! See you on the next post on my blog and keep follow me.

Selasa, 10 Mei 2011

iPad 2! I love it.

Hey blogs! I'm here and I actually found out that iPad 2 is actually fabulous! Because I found a guy that was queueing in front of me while trying to change Avril Lavigne's concert ticket tomorrow (hahaha yeah people, I'm going to watch her concert) and he was holding an iPad freaking 2! Could you believe that?! And he bought Avril Lavigne and Sara Bareilles tickets. But he bought it online, and he have to show the web to them (Rajakarcis people) which he showed it from his iPad 2! A-may-zing (amazing) right? I just really want this so badly but I have to save a lot of money to get this (so true).
Alright-alright. I'm gonna tell you the preview about iPad 2. Honestly I don't really wrote all of them, I just copied lol. I will give you the link later from the web that I copied about this preview of iPad 2, alright?

Here it goes...

The iPad 2 is both all about -- and not about -- the hardware. From an industrial design standpoint, the iPad 2 just seriously raised the bar on sleek, sexy computer hardware. If you're an owner of the original model, you know it was no slouch in the design department, but its latest iteration takes it to a whole other place. The first thing you'll probably notice about the iPad 2 is that it's thin -- unbelievably thin. At its thickest point, the tablet is just 0.34-inches (compared with the first iPad's half an inch of girth). The device is slightly shorter than the previous model (at 9.5-inches tall), but also slightly less wide (just 7.3-inches versus the iPad's 7.47-inches). It looks and feels amazingly sleek when you hold it. As Steve Jobs pointed out at the launch event, the device is thinner than the astoundingly thin iPhone 4 -- quite a feat considering what's packed inside the slate. Of course, it's still not exactly light, weighing in at 1.33 pounds (or 1.34 / 1.35 for the 3G models), just a hair under the original's one and a half pounds.

Let's just put this out there: the iPad 2 cameras are really pretty bad. They're not unusable, but it's clear that the sensors employed are not top shelf by any measure. If you have a fourth generation iPod touch with cameras, you can expect the same results. In fact, it seems to us that these are the SAME cameras used in the iPod touch -- there's an "HD" lens around back (which means it's roughly a single megapixel shooter), and on the front you've got a lowly VGA cam. Neither one of these produces remotely satisfying results for still shots, and in particular (when compared with something like the Xoom), the back camera just seems utterly second rate. For video duties and FaceTime calls, the cameras are reasonably useful -- but we would never trade a dedicated camera (or at least a smartphone with a 5+ megapixel shooter) for this. But unfortunately, they have a photobooth which I think that's a-may-zing (amazing). And I really want this.

And other than photobooth, they even have iMovie and GarageBand! Which is very-very a-may-zing (amazing) guys! So cool. Alright, sorry if I'm too overwhelmed about this, but i think it's totally normal for anyone who haven't seen the iPad 2.

Alright! that's all I've got alright, I only copied the most "cool" things that I thought.
Bye blogsss ppl! I'll see you on the next post. Bye all

Here's the link to the "real review".

Minggu, 08 Mei 2011

Justin Bieber Never Say Never The Movie

Hey all! I'm here now. Just wanna tell you that I just watched Justin Bieber-Never Say Never Movie!!
Yeah right, for all of you. It's really great and I actually love it.
Actually it's telling about his story 10 days before his concert in Madison Square or what? I can't really remember I forgot Lol. there are some videos when he was singing there. And some of them are his childhood too. On backstage. When he had meet&greet with fans like that. And girls who picked to be One Less Lonely Girl (OLLG). And stuffs like that, and I hope you guys have watch or want to. If you do, you could buy it now in Ambasador/ITC Fatmawati (Indonesia Resident only). Alright? I think that's good. Yeap

So I do not really wanna tell you the whole story, well. I don tho. But just wanna make you like a mystery for the movie so you have to watch it by yourself.

Thats all now. I need to go, cause it's late and I have Natives Exams tomorrow. Wish me luck bloggers ppl~
Goodbye, and I'll see you on the next post :)


Kamis, 05 Mei 2011

Vote MTV Movie Awards 2011!

Hello. I just wanna tell you that the Voting for MTV Movie Awards 2011.
I voted all the nominations that include from Twilight Saga: Eclipse Movie. I'm going to give you the link to Vote. Basically you could click

Click here to vote!!!

well, it's from my tumblog. And just click it there are some suggestions too.
That's all! Go click there. And keep voting every each day.
Hope all I and you want to win will be.

xoxo, -TVM11 :)

Selasa, 03 Mei 2011

New video by Supermac18

Hey, it's late and just wanna make it fast. I have post 2 posts today and that's fine though.
By the way, @supermac18 just posted his new video! It's kinda funny.
Here's the video on below :)

Yeah, that's him! Call him Mac.

And if you have watched the video, there's something related with this video :) It's the part on every single episode of Jimmy Neutron. Check it out too:

Goodnight, see u on the next post.

New game that I just found.

Hello. So, I found this cool game from tumblr. And I hope you guys would open and try to play it because you probably will get addictive to it. I got addictive by the way. It's kinda fun and when you lose, you might wanna try it again. And I don't even know how will it actually end. But, I totally like it. Here's the link of my tumblr. So I re-blogged it and you have to click on the image if you want to try and play it. And I'll give you down this post.

I kinda did print screened the game but I did not print screened the link so you'd only check and play it from my tumblr. Hahaha, sorry  about that.

Yeah, my top score was 197340. And still now that's the highest.
Basically, you have to get away from the cubes. And thing that you are controling is like a black arrow. Which you have to be like really um.. careful because even if only like you were in between the two cubes and if you hit or touch the cube you'll "game over" the game and you have to try it again, so just like I said, it's so addictive when you tried it once.

Alright than! I think I'm finish with this post right now. And by the way, the game doesn't comes out any sound so it's kinda have a benefit will save your computer battery life:)

That's the link! Hope you had the great time with the game! Bye all I'll see u on the next post, xo.

it's a cute dog! Check it out :D
-TVM11, xoxo

Minggu, 01 Mei 2011

at school!

hey! Now i'm in school and having computer lesson. And the lesson is supposed to be like how to make Blog. but, unfortunately i have made this blog for like a long time ago i thought i'd make this post. and i did, so,  i don't know what to talk about again. i think i should post this.
byebye, xo.

Sabtu, 30 April 2011

The Royal Family pics spam

There are some others too but it's all I've got now!
See U next post bloggers.
xo, -TVM11 :)